Simple Maintenance Mode
Key Features
Background Images
Choose from our collection of background images, or upload your own. You can specify the background overlay color and opacity, background image alignment, and more.
Video Background Support
If you want a more unique look, you can upload a video background and it will display fullscreen and loop continuously.
Customize Appearance
Change the look and style of the built-in coming soon/maintenance page from the settings, or if you want more control, you can create your own page and select it from the settings.
Bypass Link
Want to let others preview the site before it’s live? Use the built-in bypass link to grant them special access. It stores a cookie for 12 hours. You can generate a new token to revoke access.
Create Your Own Messaging
You can use the default wording, or create your own messaging to display to your audience. You can also upload your logo for a more professional look.
Display a Countdown Timer
Let your audience know when your site will be live with the countdown timer. Simply enable it and specify the date and time you want it to countdown to.

Customize Your Page
The Simple Maintenance Mode plugin makes it easy to customize the look of your coming soon or maintenance page. You can use the built-in settings to style it to match your brand, or select a page on your website that you want it to use instead.

Responsive Design
The coming soon page is designed to be responsive so it will display beautifully across all devices.

Intuitive Settings
This plugin adds “Maintenance Mode” in the WordPress Settings menu. From the settings you can choose from the different background images, set the alignment, overlays, text color, and more.